Megan And Laura-King Tut
Yes, I think that they had a good introduction. They told when he ruled, although they couldn't find the exact date anywhere, they found the same ruling period in a few places.
Pharaoh’s accomplishments ~ Clearly explains the important contributions the pharaoh made during his/her rule. Yes, they clearly explained an important contribution which was made but although it didn't get succeeded it was still quite an accomplishment to try and get it. The accomplishment was that he wanted more rights for women.
Architectural Achievements ~Clearly describes and explains the important buildings/monuments that were built during this time. Explain how evidence of their religious beliefs is shown in these buildings.
They told that he built a temple in Kawa. It shows that he did have a religion because he built a temple!
images ~ All images are relevant, interesting and of good quality (saved properly as a jpg). Images match narration throughout.We did put relevant and interesting pictures, although some of the pictures weren't that good quality. The images did match the narration though.
Narration ~ Voices are clear, loud and fluent with good intonation. It is obvious you have practiced your part before recording. No background noise. There voices were clear and loud and fluent, and it was quite obvious that they practiced because they didn't stutter on the words. There was no background noise throughout the narrative.
Transitions & Effects ~ Suitable transitions between the parts of the presentation are used throughout. Any effects used only enhance the message and are compatible with the image content. There were transitions and effects which were suitable. They didn't distract anybody from the voices, I don't think.We forgot to do it and that when we finally remembered, there were too many citations and too little time. So we couldn't get that done.
Ashika and Alvin- Nefertiti
Pharaoh’s accomplishments ~ Clearly explains the important contributions the pharaoh made during his/her rule. They don't talk about the accomplishments the queen/pharaoh made during her rule.
Architectural Achievements ~Clearly describes and explains the important buildings/monuments that were built during this time. Explain how evidence of their religious beliefs is shown in these buildings. They talk about the architecture that was built in her order. But didn't talk about how the religious beliefs are shown in the buildings.
Images ~ All images are relevant, interesting and of good quality (saved properly as a jpg). Images match narration throughout. The pictures match although some are cut off on the edges where words are. But the pictures were relevant to what they were talking about.
Narration ~ Voices are clear, loud and fluent with good intonation. It is obvious you have practiced your part before recording. No background noise. There was background noise but they still spoke loud enough for people to hear. Alvin spoke a bit too fast and sometimes you couldn't understand what he was talking about.
Transitions & Effects ~ Subtle transitions between the parts of the presentation are used throughout. Any effects used only enhance the message and are compatible with the image content.They didn't have any transitions. But the I-Movie still flowed.
Stephanie and Kennedy - Hatsheput
Introduction~ A description of the pharaoh is relevant, factual and correct. Time he/she ruled is correct. Yes. The time Hatsheput ruled in is clearly stated and what dynasty was said is also clear.
Architectural Achievements ~Clearly describes and explains the important buildings/monuments that were built during this time. Explain how evidence of their religious beliefs is shown in these buildings. They told what buildings were built during her rule. They also told how Tutmosis (sp?) the third tore down any buildings built by her.
Images ~ All images are relevant, interesting and of good quality (saved properly as a jpg). Images match narration throughout. They images were relevant and were of good quality. Although when they had uploaded the video onto their blogs, they weren’t that good quality but they were fine in class.
Narration ~ Voices are clear, loud and fluent with good intonation. It is obvious you have practiced your part before recording. No background noise. They’re voices were mostly clear although you can hear a lot of volume change noise and clicking which kind of disturbed the speakers. Sometimes their voices seemed to get quieter.
Transitions & Effects ~ Subtle transitions between the parts of the presentation are used throughout. Any effects used only enhance the message and are compatible with the image content. There were transitions between every picture, which made the I-Movie flow.
Yu Ern and Tem - King Tut
Pharaoh’s accomplishments ~ Clearly explains the important contributions the pharaoh made during his/her rule. No. They didn't explain any accomplishments of which they had made during his rule.
Architectural Achievements ~Clearly describes and explains the important buildings/monuments that were built during this time. Explain how evidence of their religious beliefs is shown in these buildings. They didn't tell which building he had built, unless the pyramid in which the tomb was hidden counted.
Images ~ All images are relevant, interesting and of good quality (saved properly as a jpg). Images match narration throughout.
They did put relevant and interesting pictures, Almost every one of the pictures were of good quality except one or two. The images did match the narration though.
Narration ~ Voices are clear, loud and fluent with good intonation. It is obvious you have practiced your part before recording. No background noise. They're voices weren't all that clear, and the iMovie didn't really flow well together so they could have worked on that. There is background noise, which could have been avoided by going someplace elsewhere.
Transitions & Effects ~ Subtle transitions between the parts of the presentation are used throughout. Any effects used only enhance the message and are compatible with the image content. There weren't any transitions, which didn't really help the flow of the I-Movie.